We’ve had a go at Yvonne Nelson and Nadia Buari in the past for their drastic weight loss—when it came to light that some of our Ghanaian Celebrities were going through extreme measures to lose weight and stay slim, copying Angelina Jolie and the rest.
Nadia Buari took some advice from the talks and the concern many show, she has put back some weight and she looks normal, really healthy and beautiful.
Yvonne Nelson over the years seems to be depreciating in skin value. And we understand she says she recently fell sick for some few days in Lagos—following which she took the above photo.
But even before her short sickness, Yvonne Nelson had been left with only bones—as if there is no food in Ghana. Come on Yvonne, you were healthy and you looked fabulous when you started.
Can you start eating some Burgers for us? Look at your arms—-you don’t look attractive and healthy at all.

Check below to see how Nadia Buari looks now…