I took over this post from GC Staff-Abena Appiah Amoah so that I can say how much I love Yvonne Nelson going natural—for once, I am can look into her eyes and smile.
Anyone who has been following GhanaCelebrities.Com should know how much I love natural hair—when celebrated African women ditch that long horse or dead women weave, it’s a complete party for me.
I wrote in an article titled “Is Natural Hair The New SEXY?“, published in August 2013 that;
“Gradually, young women with natural hair are beginning to catch my intimate attention—-even from far.
Though I am particularly fascinated by the intellect of women, until you start a conversation with a person it is always difficult to establish how much they can arouse you intelligently.
Over the years, women who are abreast with issues of World Politics, Cosmology, Religion, Law and the God Theory have been succeeded in exerting a pull factor on me. But spotting these women from a distance without any sort of ‘conversational’ evaluation has always been impossible…