
You Cheated on Your Partner, Would/Should You Tell? Experts Say NO!

A young black woman


How many marriages break up due to the infidelity of one or the other? Many. Too many in fact.So my stance is simple and logical and devoid of unnecessary emotional clout.

When you cheat on your partner, perhaps the first time, keep it to yourself.

Most people tell because they are tired of carrying the guilt. If your conscience pushes you to tell, I think it is selfish of you. What you are doing is transferring your guilt and giving your partner unnecessary hurt over something you may never do again and your partner may likely never trust you again, cheat too or leave the relationship/marriage.

Was that the outcome you were hoping for? I doubt so. More importantly, relationship experts agree it is not necessary to tell your spouse.

Dr. Ruth Westheimer, an 85 year old relationship guru said “Piece of advice for spouses who have strayed, keep your mouth shut!”

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