
You Are CURSED If You Don’t Pay Tithe Says The Bible


It is past 12 noon on Sunday and I just woke up which means, I am not going to church and I am not going to pay any tithes to a pastor or an institution called CHURCH. This means, I am cursed and will probably see no peace in my life so says prophet Prophet Owusu Ansa (quoting from the Bible) who wrote the piece below…

In fact, my cousin needs that money better since she wants to start her own little trade to be able to take care of her two fatherless children.

I find it very hypocritical and insulting that even those who claim to be Christians and believe in the tithe doctrine do not actually pay the right amount—when it becomes even tough, some postpone their tithe obligations. But as a strict commandment, you have no choice than to follow it—at least the wording depicts so.

This means, if your mother is sick and all your salary cannot take care of her, you will still have to pay tithes from the little you have which is not even enough to carter for your mother. It sounds like those who will follow this commandment have suspended their thinking faculty and are those cursed to be irrational, not those of us who will not pay out.

I have outstanding credit card bills and fees to pay, who will pay those for me? I prefer to be cursed, after all, from birth the same Bible says we’ve all sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God— pretty much been cursed from birth.

Let me add that, the same Bible offers a salvation for the by-birth sinners and cursed at a cheaper rate of paying tithes and surrounding their thinking faculty to the church, which makes it easy to believe some non-connecting stories told by the Bible.

Anyway read the article below and let me know if you are cursed too, we may organize ‘cursed people party’ soon!



*”Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. But you ask, ‘How do we rob you?’ In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse – the whole nation of you – because you are robbing me.” (Malachi 3:8, 9)*

If you don’t pay tithe, the Bible says you are robbing God and you are under a curse. This curse cannot be removed by your good works or the fact that you are born again. You can only reverse this curse if you start paying tithe. Tithe is the only key to prosperity and God’s blessing. The Bible is very clear about this and there is no way around it. You have to choose between being under God’s curse and God’s blessings, so abundant and uncountable. Those who don’t pay tithe are robbing God because all income is from God. All God asks is 10%, not 50%, not 90%. God the giver of all just wants a little portion to take care of the men of God and help spread the gospel.

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