Blogger YemmeyBaba claims his life has been placed in danger following his decision to expose Nana Akua Addo as a two faced back stabbing b*tch.
The Nigerian blogger carried out an expose on the actress after accusations were thrown at her claiming she was using anonymous Instagram accounts to badmouth other celebrities when they posted something.
Nana Akua Addo Sues YemmeyBaba For Defamation After He Exposed Her Use Of A Fake Account 'Belly Blaze' To Attack Other Female Celebrities On Instagram
What started this entire Bibi Bright vs Nana Akua Addo saga? Bibi claimed Nana was hiding behind fake accounts to launch attacks on her.
Nana Akua Addo also clandestinely used a stranger’s account to attack Bibi Bright without the owner’s knowledge – so it seems using fake accounts is right up her alley.