Another big night for Stonebwoy, who is just coming off dominating the 4Syte Music Video Awards– as he won an award at the 2015 All Africa Music Awards (AFRIMA).
The awards show came off in Lagos, Nigeria on Sunday, November 15.
Another big night for Stonebwoy, who is just coming off dominating the 4Syte Music Video Awards– as he won an award at the 2015 All Africa Music Awards (AFRIMA).
The awards show came off in Lagos, Nigeria on Sunday, November 15.
It’s not every day you get a sexy lap dance from an acrobatic singer , but one lucky white fan wound up in this scenario with Wiyaala as she performed with her band at +233. Some people claim Wiyaala is not a beautiful songstress and therefore may not crave for a lap dance from the musician … Read more
Wiyaala has been snatching wigs effortlessly with her immense talent so it comes with little surprise that haters can only descend so low using her looks to scoff her. In an interview with Amanda Jissih on Hitz FM’s ‘Showbiz Filla’, the ‘Rock My Body’ songstress dishes her thoughts on those criticize her looks. “For me … Read more
In a recent article I wrote on BrutallyUncensored.Com titled “Why I Stopped Going to CHURCH | I Think You Should Too,” I discussed the 7 main reasons why I stopped going to church—and stated in point 4 that “The Church Became Very Noisy…I Didn’t Want to Become Deaf”
I stated in the article that “Perhaps out of old age, the Judeo-Christian God has some hearing problems and without any scientist in heaven to fix Him a common hearing aid, worshippers have to SHOUT to be heard. If this is not a plausible explanation of the situation, then why is it getting louder and louder—capable of breaking your ear drums?
Call me weird; far better than being offensively ignorant about your health needs to regularly be part of the destruction of your own ear drums—or promoting area nuisance. I’ve never been to the night club and I do not intend to ever do so, for this same reason.
Therefore, to make it a regular torture enterprise and walk into a room full of shouts, unregulated drums, amplifies and clapping—made worse by those who speak in languages they themselves do not understand but expect a God to understand, something had to give me a good boost.
Rising Ghanaian musician-Wiyaala ( real name Noella Wiyaala) may not just be carrying around a manly haircut, she indeed has a man-like body and these bikini photos show it all… Not just that she has a man-like body, she can also do man-like things such as, walking with her hands while her legs are in … Read more
“Music Matters” is a weekly African music review column brought to you by Talent Manager, YAVA Global in partnership with www.ghanacelebrities.com. This weekly African music review video blog will consider three of the top songs or videos released up to a fortnight before filming, often including upcoming artistes in order to help give much needed spotlight … Read more