
Why Should a Good or Bad Marriage Be the Doing of the WOMAN?

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Why should a good/bad marriage be the doing of a woman? Sometimes, I always ask myself….what if women stopped going according to ‘how to keep a man’/’how to grab a man’/how to spice up your love life/ how to…/how to…., how will relationships/marriages work?

The only talks we see everywhere is how women should be better wives and build homes, how to please their husbands, knowing what men want, how a single woman should position herself to be found by a husband etc. No wonder we have an increasingly growing generation of men who have become absentee fathers, homes where women are the bread winners, wife batterers, chronic serial cheats/adulterers and most importantly men who have relegated their headship roles to the wives to bear the enormous responsibility all alone.

Why must relationships be all about feeding a man’s ego? When are the men going to sit up and learn how to keep their marriage?

To some men, the only time a marriage is a partnership is when money is involved. Paying of bills is the only 50:50 they know…The rest is you, yourself and you. Less is said about the roles men should play in loving their wives and their input to make marriage successful.

Everything the man does and every shortcoming or failures he has in the marriage is laid at the feet of the wife. A lot of women are burning and hurting under the pressure of having to keep their homes physically, emotionally while at the same time struggling to endure infidelity which has now seemingly become the birth right of the male gender and now more increasingly financially.

How many programmes are organized for men alone to teach them how to treat their wives? Whilst a mother is telling her son to marry a respectful girl, she should also tell him to respect his wife. Respect is earned, it is not commanded. When advising her son to go for a good homemaker, she should as well teach him that there are some days a woman needs to be relieved of her duty … that is how it works!

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