
Why Relationships Do Not Last Today: Fast Food, Fast Wi-fi, Fast Cars & FAST LOVE



It has become alarming the rate at which divorce cases are flying around but I can’t say I am surprised though… Love has become a game of “the survival of the fittest”! Everything is so fast paced in our society these days: we’re talking fast food, fast wi-fi, fast cars, fast money, fast fame, fast talkers, heck – fast everything!

So it wouldn’t be presumptuous to add “fast love” to the list! I mean, take a second to think about it…

A typical relationship that is lucky enough to have crossed the sacred line into marriage, after the sweet courtship, expensive engagement and wedding (they probably took a loan), blissful honeymoon and three year old toddler. You would think a ‘happily ever after’ would follow but before those words can even form a complete sentence, we hear about the file for divorce! Why? I’ll tell you why…

It’s simply because we choose the fastest way out. As soon as there is too much pressure; as soon as we settle and get past the initial “butterflies-in-stomach” stage and the relationship is no longer on auto pilot, we simply decide to crash. We leave the wreck we caused, nurse our wounds and hop on the next available flight of rosiness (I won’t call it love) and the cycle continues.

After more than a few emotional crashes, we give up and blame it on everything but ourselves.

Now don’t get me wrong, I understand that at the initial dating stages, there must be an acceptable level of attraction. There must be passion, warmth, euphoria… you name it. You cannot force these feelings because they are either there or not. I agree. (Although there are some exceptions, for example, I didn’t quite feel anything for my first boyfriend. But with time, I grew into him).

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