I am a great admirer and supporter of Independent media such as blogs—and we need more of these in a place like Africa.
The big and established media houses like the BBC, CNN, RT and the others in the West play to the corporate interest a lot—in Africa such practice is far dangerous as most of the readers/viewers are not discerning enough to read in-between the lines.
I once told my friend; “if you ever want to hear the truth—read the independent blogs, forget the big shots.” It is not that the people who work for these big media houses do not have integrity, they do, but most of these media houses have compromised their positions because of certain interests and worldview.
My mate from law school who worked for one of the biggest media houses in UK recently quit her job to become a blogger. It’s a tough decision but she is full of smiles as her editor will no longer bin her articles, simply because, they cannot publish that about a hidden corporate sponsor and a friend of the media.