
Who Created Your Problem Because the Devil Is On Holiday? | We Have Champagne Appetite with Beer Budgets

Devil Wings
Devil Wings

We sometimes (actually most of the time) love to think we’re smart and take some decisions/adopt a certain lifestyle. If the outcome of our smartness (stupidity) is not what we expected, we blame the devil for being the cause of our downfall. Since the devil, according to the bible, came to kill, steal and destroy – we’ve taken delight in living irresponsibly and comfortably blaming the devil for every self-created problem in our lives. The thief/adulterer/destroyer blames the devil when caught because the devil is not around to defend him/her/itself.

No matter what/whom we believe in, there are natural laws in/of life and its accompanying consequences when we breach or violate them – the law of cause and effect. You can ignore and evade that natural law with ease but its consequences; you can’t pray and fast your way out. Blaming the devil and sowing big seeds will not do either.

We blame the devil for everything. I have blamed the devil over and over again until I realised I was not helping myself in anyway because most of my ‘problems’ were self-created and I used the devil as an escape route. The blame game didn’t solve my problems in no matter how hard I tried injecting (non)sense into poor choices and decisions I took

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