
What A Man Can Do, A Woman Can Definitely Not Do a Quarter of It | We Are in A Man’s World…

woman with camera


“What a man can do a woman also do.” For some time now women have armed themselves with this slogan, aimed at affecting a radical revolution in a bid to empower them to gain significant recognition in the society and in every facet of their lives.

Somewhat, you wouldn’t be indignant about their overzealous pursuit. The following facts about violence and oppression women are subjected to consolidate their stance.

Gender Discrimination: In Asia, most parents prefer boys to girls. A 2011 report estimates that in some of the world, nearly 134 million girls are missing from the population as a result of abortion, infanticide and neglect.

Education: Worldwide, women and girls make up two thirds of those who had less than four years of schooling.

Sexual harassment: Over 2.6 billion women live in countries where marital rape is not considered a crime.

Health: In developing countries, a woman dies from pregnancy as result of basic medical care.

Property rights. Although women cultivate more than half the world’s crops, in many countries they do not have the legal right to own certain properties or inherit land.

The above statistics represent a gloomy picture for women. In primitive minds, women are deemed s*x objects, washing and cleaning agents whose place should only be in the kitchen.

This has exponentially spurred their action and they simply want a reversal of their predicament. Women pressure groups are trumpeting this notion with the belief that there would be a rectification as regard the uneven and inconsistent approach to implementation of gender equality issues that has resulted in missed opportunities and in under-resourcing of many efforts to enhance gender equality, women’s rights and women’s empowerment within mainstream institutional structures.

And this is where my beef is. Women who are advocating for equality are grossly exaggerating and seem to be oblivious of a palpable truth that there is a vast difference between men and women. Hence it is absolutely false that what a woman can do a woman can do and even do it better.

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