In my review of the latest Shirley Frimpong-Manso’s movie-GREY DAWN, I described it as that movie which “takes a shot at interesting but contrasting human endeavours; politics, family, genuine relationships and illicit affair”.
Now you can watch the movie online at SparrowStation.Com—and find out for yourself, how these things play out and what eventually wins the battle.
No doubt the movie departs from the usual central themes of many of our African movies by placing 4 strong conflicting desires on the table—but Shirley Frimpong-Manso perfectly tells the story without any drop of confusion.
It’s a Shirley Frimpong-Manso and Sparrow Productions’ movie so you definitely know you would be served with something interesting on a quality plate…
In ‘Grey Dawn’, “a government minister must choose between using his position to help his father in law stay out of jail for tax evasion or allow the law to take its course with him. His decision sets in motion a chain of events that lures him into committing the one sin that will haunt him for the rest of his life”.