I do not have to repeat that on a good day, I am an atheist and on a bad day, I am agnostic—and therefore, my use of GOD in this article runs alongside Einstein or Machio Kaku’s understanding of GOD.
My usage of GOD is not in reference to the God that takes side in wars or answers prayers. I am talking about a complex mind that runs parallel to logic and reason.
Women are largely seen as vulnerable, emotional and caring beings whose ways cannot be calculated, predicted and mostly their actions violate well defined laws…
Over the years, I’ve come to realize that most women are not vulnerable and are far from the well defined characters attributed to them. The truth about women is; they are complex and every complex entity cannot be easily understood, domesticated and bring to live under rules—except, of course if it is their own rules. Even that, they may get up one day and decide to vary the rules.
Holding unto any sort of relationship with such a complex being will definitely be characterised by shocks, surprises and mood swings—and as I said, these things can never be predicted or understood.
Most women do not want anything, yet they claim to want something. Most women believe in savings and yet want to buy expensive clothes.
The complexity of a woman’s mind is beyond measure and dealing with them on simple terms does not work. Even if you decide to jump to their complex level, it wouldn’t work—as the complexities will get jammed—-another reason why they don’t get on well with each other, I think…
Men are mostly fooled into believing it is the simple things that matter to women—of course these things do, but they are just the foundation stones to wanting the bigger things. Don’t ever get stuck with the simple things…
You can never win an argument with a woman and most men who have tried stealing a win eventually find themselves dead before achieving that. It is not that their arguments are exceptionally great, it is just that their arguments cover it all—no room for yours, except to agree!