
If You Doubt TRUE LOVE Exists…These Photos Will Change Your Mind


These photos are being crazily shared on social media—and for many, they confirm that true love really exists. When it comes to love, many hide behind want they would get from the other and gladly call that love—without those material things, their love would also disappear. But what can be deducted from these photos is … Read more

TRUE LOVE? | It’s True When Both Eyes Are Wide Opened!


….And does true love exists? Of course it exists; our parents love for us is true (unless you believe your parents are the cause of your downfall). People try to define love in their own little ways and majority of people (women especially) attach emotions into it, claiming it’s a feeling… I believe ‘love’ is a choice we make.

Our biggest asset as humans is choice – we are not beings of instinctive impulse only. We have the ability to plan, assess, analyse as well as scrutinise before we make relevant well informed and life changing decisions.

We choose to be with people -love them -to leave them. It is up to us to realise that our way of loving can imprison, destroy or bring liberty into our lives – and true love (genuinely) is not the blind type, it is true when both eyes are wide opened. Love comes under too many disguises.

Some say they love unconditionally – that’s great but then you don’t allow the other person’s condition to destroy you. If you reach out to help a person to change some lifestyle habits which does not sit well with you and they on the other hand are comfortable with their ‘condition’ regardless – it’s a choice they have made and you don’t have to be stuck with it….your happiness depends solely on you!

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