
Meet Ghanaian Actress & Musician-Tina Destiny From the Volta Region–Our Queen of Desperation

Tina Destiny
Tina Destiny

From the Volta Region of Ghana, Tina Destiny claims to be a Ghanaian actress and musician—seeking for a breakthrough on the back of the above photos.
Interestingly, when Tina started a few years ago, she was a decent ordinary girl–innocent as they come.
Apart from a few online publications on Tina, we are unable to find any substantive acting or musical work that backs her aspirations and yet she has several racy photos all over the internet.
It’s painful as a woman when I come across Africans pushing nakedness ahead of whatever talent or decent dreams they have.
Of course sex sells but should it be sold that cheaply?
Flip to the next pages for more photos…