A loyal GC reader ‘Miyagi’ just sent me a link to the article below written by Joy Ocloo, an incredible loud mouth from Leila Djansi’s camp on a Nigerian website.
The article suggests inter alia that, there is some sort of animosity between Leila Djansi and ‘myself’ plus probably GC and its readers are part of why Nia Long could not make it for their movie. I thought this story was long dead…
In fact, I have moved on and I am enjoying my blogging life. I do not have time to host any sort of animosity for anyone so if Joy Ocloo is saying this, then maybe it is her and Leila Djansi that have gotten an inside for me.
This is a complete bullshyt, why would I care? I am stating it firmly here that, those in Leila Djansi’s camp thinking there is an animosity should get over it and take some chill pill because I am focusing and have no time!
Read what Leila Djansi’s unofficial PR wrote about me and GC