Mary Pearson, 52, sister of Thomas Eric Duncan who died of Ebola in Texas (the only person to have died of the disease in America) has launched an assault on America, saying, “America invented the Ebola virus to ‘kill Africans’ and deliberately left victim Thomas Eric Duncan to die ‘like a dog’”.
Speaking to MailOnline, Mary Pearson claimed that “the deadly virus was created as part of an experiment to infect black people on the continent – echoing the views of a race-hate preacher who says Ebola was invented to ‘depopulate’ Africa”.
Though Mrs Pearson is the not the only African who believes Ebola was created by America and intentionally, they dumped the deadly virus in Africa—considering what happened to her brother, her sentiments are well understood.
Of the 9 people who have so far been treated of Ebola in USA, Thomas Duncan is the only to have died. And as such, his sister believes he was never given the same level of care that were given to American citizens who contracted the disease.