Unconsciously, many of us are living our lives guided by the façade people present to us via this new technology called social media—with Facebook and Intasgram being the leaders in the dissemination of the acute falsehood.
Beyond personal levels, relationships are collapsing because of unending social media comparisons—and a video I just came across on social media, ironically, points this out.
People are never what they present to you on social media—forget the instagram photo, that is the best shot from the best angle out of the over 30 pictures the person took. Ask about the 29 other photos, they all went into trash…
Interestingly, many of us continue to flip through social media and bitterly question why our lives are so boring, why things are not perfect with us, why our relationships have so many difficult times and why we can’t be at the beach like the others are—forgetting that, it’s shit out there for those people too. But all they’ve done is to ignore the mess and uncertainties in their lives (the behind the scenes) and have carefully picked the few exciting moments (the highlights) to throw online just to send you those jealous shocks.
Of course you need to be smart to realize that, “real girls are not perfect and perfect girls are not real”. Therefore, when there is a presentation of that perfect girl on instagram, just know that, she is not real—you are just seeing ‘utopian’ illustrations, made easy by social media.
The pressure is immeasurable when it comes to women with a lot of them having to say things along the lines like this each day; she is getting married, when is mine coming?, Kim Kardashain is pregnant again, gosh, my biological clock is running on its last steam, those are perfect couples, why is my man such an a$$, she looks really toned, why am I not losing any weight…
The above may not only frustrate you, it certainly would mount undeserving pressure on your life, relationship and direction.