Have you ever been to a wedding where you take it upon yourself to worry and have a little bit of ‘pity’ for the newly-weds (maybe because I’m empathetic)? The first question that crops into mind is …what are they going to eat and keep aside for rainy days?
People put themselves in so much financial mess because they’ve decided to have ‘seks’ and live together….legally/in an acceptable way. The fact that we can pay for something does not mean we can afford it.
Affordability is paying for something without even feeling the pinch afterwards. When couples go ‘sympathetically’ broke after their fantasy wedding – they simply couldn’t afford it. If you ask me, a wedding in itself is a liability if I need to squander all the little monies I have put away over a long period of time in one day. Unless of course my husband is extremely rich to give me that dream wedding…