
NDC Government Operated The Tema Harbour Like A Chop Bar Business – Nana B

Nana Boakye

The man deemed not qualified to appear on Joy Fm’s political flagship programme “News File” might have given us a gist as to why the Programme filters his kind from appearing on the show and for the lack of better expression or sheer disrespect from the production team, they tagged him as “not qualified” to appear on the show.

Nana Boakye now NSS Deputy Director appeared on Gh One’s States Of Affairs programme and talking about Ibrahim Mahama’s dud cheques to Ghana Ports Habour Authority instigated that NDC operated the Tema Harbour like a chop bar business.

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Those Trolling Kumasi City Mall Are Inherently Stupid – Chris Vincent Makes A Case

Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri

Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, the Founding Editor of with series of certificates ranging from from education, all sitting on his home sense has made another solid case for Ghanaians whom he describes as people often with misplaced priorities.

Chris wonders why social media trolls should have more delight in trolling the opening of a mere mall in Kumasi whilst under their nose Ibrahim Mahama is robbing the State of millions in broad day light and yet that’s not a bother to them.

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