
Sean Kingston – I’m Broke & Live With My Mom!!

Celebrities attend The 84th Annual Hollywood Christmas Parade on Hollywood Boulevard.
Featuring: Sean Kingston
Where: Los Angeles, California, United States
When: 29 Nov 2015
Credit: Brian To/

Singer, Sean Kingston has filed court documents stating that he has less than $500 in his bank accounts and owns no property or cars and lives with his mother, Janice Turner in Los Angeles.

He made this revelations in a legal battle with lawyer James J. Gangitano over unpaid legal fees.

Gangitano sued Kingston in 2015, for refusing to pay up $12,500 worth of legal work he did in defending him. The lawyer reached a deal with Kingston in early 2016 after filing the suit. Kingston agreed to pay $20,000 in installments between April 2016 and January 2017 and if he missed a payment he would pay an entire amount of $14,500 immediately.

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Sean Kingston In Trouble- Sued For Refusing To Pay For Jewellery


Jamaican-American singer/songwriter Sean Kingston is in trouble, again, for refusing to pay for some jewellery he bought from a dealer.
According to TMZ, Kingston traded in a used Rolex for a new one, and owed some money for the transaction. He also bought a bracelet, and left with the promise to pay the next day.

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BG: Sean Kingston’s Bentley Repossessed While on a Night Out


From BeyondGossip.Com

Musical star-Sean Kingston found himself in a pool of embarrassment last night when his Bentley was unexpected REPOSSESSED on Sunset Boulevard.

According to TMZ, “Kingston valeted his car at the Mondrian Hotel in West Hollywood last night. The valet kept the car in front ’cause that’s what they do with high-profile rides … and that’s when the repo crew struck.

We’re told the repo guys backed in their tow truck and hooked up the Bentley in a matter of seconds — impressive because the hotel has a REALLY small driveway and valet area”.

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BG: Sean Kingston Pays Alleged Gang Rape Victim To Settle Lawsuit

From BeyondGossip.Com Sean Kingston has taken the bold step to settled the 22-year-old girl who accused the singer and his former bodyguards of gang rape back in 2010… Not that fast…He did not settle her because he’s admitting guilt, but because his upcoming tour and new album release will prevent him from focusing his energies … Read more