If you’re even remotely familiar with Islamic Sharia law this would not really come as a surprise to you, as it is one of the sources of the most brutal and inexplicable laws that any group of people willingly subject themselves to.
Religion propagates many vices that any civilised society would not indulge in. The Christian god is a misogynistic, genocidal maniac; Islam’s Allah is not much different. The oppression and degradation of women in the supposed holy texts is troubling, and whilst Christianity has somewhat moved from that (it’s more subtle now), adherents to Islam’s Sharia law remain stuck in the backwards mentality imposed by their religion.
Read this story and I dare you to come up with a different conclusion. A 19 year old Saudi woman who was gang raped by 7 men back in 2006, has been sentenced to 200 lashes and six months in jail for ‘indecency and speaking to the press’.