
Samsung Unveils World First Largest Curve TV

Samsung Curve TV


Samsung, the global tech giant has for the first time unveiled the world’s first largest curved HD TV, and if you want to know the size—it is 105 inch…

Apart from the size and curve of the TV which may put some people off, it doesn’t come cheap. You have to pay $69,999 to get one if you are interested in having it at your home or office.


According to Marshable;

Samsung unveiled its 105-inch curved UltraHD TV Monday, and it’s a stunner. Samsung is claiming this is “the world’s first and largest curved HD TV,” but LG might take some issue with that.

Samsung hasn’t released a price for the UHD (4K) stunner, but considering that it’s charging an astounding $69,999 for its 105-inch 4K set, we expect this one to be pricy, too.

I got some eyes-on time with the 105-inch set, as well as Samsung’s whole line of curved 4K TVs at a private media event Sunday night. I was already smitten by the company’s curved OLED TVs, which I saw in August, and adding 4K to the experience makes it even better.

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