
UPDATED: GC Journalist Who Visited The Red Row Estate Where Yvonne Nelson Lives Has Been ‘ARRESTED’…FOR WHAT?

Free Press
Free Press

When I talk about Bronze Age mentality of us Ghanaians, people roll their eyes. A student journalist with GhanaCelebrities.Com who visited the Red Row estate where ECG has disconnected their electricity of the estate including that of actress-Yvonne Nelson to find out more about the hovering issue has been picked up and I am told, he is being taken to the police station.

And his crime? None—perhaps, for just wanting to find out more or poking his journalistic noise into such an issue of public interest.

Surely, Ghana is far from North Korea but to be frank, we seem to operate not less than Kim Jong Un’s appalling regime.

As the founding Editor of GhanaCelebrtiies.Com, I condemn such act of intimidation and disrespect to the journalist.

We have a long way to go as a country—and for this, I will borrow the words attribute to Voltaire “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

We are still waiting to see the outcome of this…

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