
Meet 2011 Nigerian-UK Producer Of The Year’s Obsession For Ghana!

Queen Adedoyin Adisa ready for Ghana!

Dreams become reality when the enthusiasm is followed with believe, hope and fanaticism. For the young QUEEN ADEDOYIN ADISA, a Nigerian born, United Kingdom based Movie Producer; her dreams of doing movies has since been a budding obsession until she produced her maiden movie Ife Oga (Chameleon’s Love) in 2005, and the accolades started flowing as she won The Youngest Executive Producer that same year.
Queen who is the CEO of Queen Adedoyin Entertainment Ltd, a UK based entertainment firm but has its branch in Nigeria, was born in Ibadan, Oyo State of Nigeria. Her educational background started in Nigeria (where she attended Sacred Heart Private School and Queen’s School) before leaving for the United Kingdom in 1994 with her family.

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