Some women are go-getters and they believe what a man can do, they can do best- the power of equality. It’s therefore not a big deal for a woman to propose marriage to a man anymore. After months and years of hints-dropping and giving ultimatums here and there, they take the bull by the horns and propose marriage to the man.
Times have changed and some are moving with the times. Others also prefer the men to propose or go through the ‘traditional’ route of asking their hand in marriage. Nothing in life is guaranteed so preparation of the mind and acceptance of outcome should be on the menu.
I don’t see anything wrong with a lady proposing (I won’t do it though). Some claim proposing to a man reeks desperation – which I disagree because there’s no harm in trying (your luck). You cannot be fed if your mouth is closed.
My only problem with ladies I know who took the bold step of proposing is they didn’t prepare for the answer they received which was a no/not now. They only prepared for a yes with the wedding venue and wedding gown in mind. They didn’t prepare because they were expecting a positive outcome– maybe.