Is someone trying to assert that the saying ‘the pale/light skin rule’ is somehow ingrained in our minds?
According to a new study, racial prejudices and stereotypes may cause people to assume an educated black person goes against the norm, and this makes them an ‘exception to their race’. And that, successful black people are remembered as having a lighter skin tone than they actually have.
I am not sure if I remember Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, K. A Busia and the several others as having lighter skin tone!
According to DailyMail;
Successful black people are remembered as having a lighter skin tone than they actually have, according to a new study.
Researchers from San Francisco found that racial prejudices and stereotypes may cause people to assume an educated black person goes against the norm, and this makes them an ‘exception to their race’.
People therefore assume the person is ‘whiter’ than they are in In order to protect the ingrained stereotypical belief – a phenomenon known as ‘skin tone memory bias.’
Dr Ben-Zeev and colleagues from San Francisco State University conducted a two-part experiment with a total of 160 university students.