So now that the Paralympics have started, I can’t help wondering if, when they end, there will be a rush of African athletes absconding from the Paralympics camps, intending to seek a permanent residency in UK, like what happened with African Olympics teams.
I can definitely tell you that there is a big shift in the other direction, of many Ghanaian youth, raised abroad, who are thinking of going AWOL in Europe/America and coming to Ghana.
I think the recession in Europe and America have had a big part to play in this… this led to massive lack of jobs for graduates and youngsters, and of course, ethnic minority youth are suffering more than the indigenous ones due to institutional racism, lack of social mobility and other factors.
Many of the youth are also business/entrepreneurial minded, and are relishing the new economical and industry growth happening in Africa and are hoping to contribute to that.
Others are hoping to leave a mark in their chosen careers that would be difficult to do in Europe or America with much competition for university spaces, jobs, and positions of distinction.