
PHOTOS From Rickie Walters’ First Book Launch | Pandemonium…Door of No Return

Rickie Walters
Rickie Walters

Dedicated to the people of colour who lost their lives during the infamous Slave Trade, a book written by Rickie Walters titled ‘Pandemonium…Door of No Return’ has been launched in London.

The launch which took place earlier this month was attended by the writer, special invited guests, book enthusiasts, friends and family—and currently, the book is on sale on Amazon and several bookshops in the United Kingdom.

“In the mid 17,00s, the Transatlantic slave trade was at its highest peak with the level of slaves export growing from 36,000 a year during the early 18th century to almost 80,000 a year during the 1780s.

Elmina, a town situated on the coastal shores of Ghana was one of the exploited places during this period.

Approximately 11,863,000 Africans were shipped across the Atlantic, with a death rate during this middle passage reducing this number by 10-20 percent.

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