Who has read the news saying fuel prices are bound to rise again in Ghana next week?
I bet everyone with a car knows this.
The Djamefe report concerning the world cup fiasco has also been released. Have many heads have rolled? No. Probably will not ever.
Has anyone been held accountable for the floods and fire disaster? No man. Not in Ghana. It was a natural disaster, an act of God so guess what? Nobody is responsible for that. We are merely waiting for a similar occurrence next year as has always been.
Have the residents of old fadama been properly settled? Do we not know that once you look on unconcerned while squatters occupy a land for many years, it automatically legally becomes theirs? And you have to resettle them if you suddenly decide you want the land back. Besides their squatting was as a result of a housing deficit which again is nobody’s fault because THIS IS GHANA! Home of roman dead goats J
I could go on about the woes of Ghana but what does it serve when half of Ghanaians are out screaming fire and brimstone upon the gay community. Indeed the world is coming to an end because America said yes to love marriages.
I have read people ignorantly rant about how this compares to legalizing pedophilia. How utterly dense that fully educated humans want to compare legalizing the union of two consenting adults to violence and underage molestation. Children are not even allowed to have regular sex but you will make such a drastic comparison because you are so desperately moronic?

And then there are the doomsday prophets who are clogging social media with their half-baked Christianity calling curses and doom upon all gay people and gay advocates including the Supreme Court of a country they long to relocate to.
Our children are still dying of cholera, our currency is gone to the dogs, our economic policies are a mess, we cannot afford a decent standard of living, HIV is high among our youth, the lights are still off in our bedrooms and kitchens but we are calling God’s wrath on America? You think the world is coming to an end my Ghanaian Christian brother? THE WORLD ALREADY ENDED IN GHANA-maybe Africa.