As an African who is a homosexual, I get shun and constantly get treated like a filth, when in fact I was born GAY. All I have known is being attracted to other men and it is not any fault of mine.
If ordinary people are not insulting me or looking down on me, the Pastors will be cursing me for being GAY. If you think the Pastors are harsh for wishing hell fire on my head simply because of something I was born with, then you’ve not heard of the Governments passing laws to make sure I am thrown into jail for no offence.
Being GAY comes natural; it is not something anyone learnt or a pill that a person carries across to give to others to swallow, where you can say these people had a choice. We do not have a choice and what seem to be a choice for you is; I should deny to myself that I feel this way; deny that I am attracted to men and pretend to be what I am not.
If GAY is not natural or if people are not born GAY, how come everywhere you go in the world you will find a GAY person there? Did one person go around teaching all these people how to be GAY?
If I had a choice as an African who is GAY, I would have de-GAY myself because I go through hell each day for just being me.