
A Conversation With A Ghanaian Fetish Priest Who is About to Kill North Korean Leader-Kim Jong-un for Just 150 GHS


Kim Jong-un
Kim Jong-un

Religion; be it Christianity, Islam or the infamous African traditional religion flourishes on the back of credulity and this absurd conception of the supernatural.
Instead of many of us coming to accept that there’s a lot out there in the universe we do not understand at this stage and that lack of understanding of something at a particular point in time in human civilisation does not automatically mean there’s any supernatural or God behind it–we jump to fill the gaps with a God.
Of course, the easiest lazy approach to dealing with ‘mystery’ is to invoke the supernatural explanation—and not to challenge ourselves through pragmatic steps to understanding what may seem strange from afar but sometimes, a closer look would offer a reasonable explanation.
For this, many of us have bought into the idea of a God including those called the lesser gods in certain parts of the world—the sort of concept which brings huge business to countless fetish priests like Nana Bisanguraade, the one I encountered on facebook today.
It’s amazing how these fetish priests have taken to social media to solicit for clients. A few weeks ago, just before Christmas, I had a chat with another—who also wanted to help me.
Let me mention at this stage that, these fetish priests are no different to the many pastors who would take money from you in return for prayers—or ask that you sow some seed for a divine blessing from a celestial father.
The truth is; they all want to fill their pockets with your money and do not have any relationship with any supernatural being; in fact, nothing like that exists.

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