
VIDEO: One Man Explains All The Million Different Ways The Noah's Ark Story Makes No Sense


Do you believe in the Noah’s Ark story? A literal interpretation of it, with all animals in the world travelling to Noah to get on his boat in pairs? And then surviving a year’s journey on the boat, both carnivores and herbivores, unscathed? Don’t worry, you are not alone.
What you are though, is the butt of jokes of people around the world, both religious and non-religious. The Noah’s Ark story is so ridiculous that only religion – with its amazing evolutionary ability to shut off the human function of reason – can persuade people to believe it wholeheartedly without challenge.

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PHOTOS: How Noah’s Ark Would Have Played Out On Facebook


God killed everyone, but it's ok. He's God
God killed everyone, but it’s ok. He’s God

There is one story crucial to all Christians who subscribe to the creation myth, and that is the story of the flood. Because creationists tend to be literalists, and therefore the flood must have occurred.
This is despite the face there is absolutely no evidence of a global deluge, neither do we have any reason to believe all animals can just magically transport themselves to Mesopotamia and join the movement to save life after God destroys it.

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