
This Is What Happens To Cocaine Barons In Ghana Now: Sima Of Exopa’s Assets To Be Seized & Sold To The Public, Do You Think It Is Fair?…

Ibrahim Sima, CEO Of Exopa
Ibrahim Sima , CEO Of Exopa

The Narcotic Control Board of Ghana has realized that, some cocaine Barons do not really care to spend years in prison and finally come out to enjoy their cocain money and assets. As a result of this trend, the new measure is to confiscate assets of cocain Barons serving prison sentences.

It has been announced that, the assets of the boss of Exopa Modelling Agency ‘ Ibrahim Sima’ will be confiscated but not given to the State, It will rather be sold to the public. I  think this action is perfect and fair…

The acting Executive Director of NACOB, Yaw Akrasi Sarpong told Citifmonline that “Everyday you have about hundred people who have worked with couriers, they are not bothered because when they go to prison the barons look after them and in the case of Ghana in particular where the legal space is common law jurisdiction, there is a lot of avenues of people to be defended.

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