
Meet Female Graphic Designer/Photographer Turned Queen Mother- Nana Ama Kukudam I

Nana Ama Kukudam I
Nana Ama Kukudam I

Discovering people who are impacting positively and celebrating them is one credo Ghanacelebrities.Com pride ourselves with.

Through our research, we fortunately chanced on one humane and kind hearted African-American lady by name Nana Ama Kukudam I who was trained as a Graphic Designer and Photographer but has turned Nkosuo Hemaa – – helping a community in Ghana.

We decided to talk to her about how she became Nkosuo Hemaa in Ghana, considering the fact that she was not born in Ghana even… give us a brief background of yourself.

Nana Ama: My real name is Joy Lee Tyrice Lillian Mary Inez Williams but Joy Williams for short. I was born in Baltimore, Maryland and raised between Baltimore and New York. I went to a Catholic elementary school and finished that in 1989. From there I attended the Baltimore School for the Arts where I majored in Visual arts and completed in 1997.

I followed up to the University of Maryland, Baltimore County where I majored in BA Graphic Design and Photography and completed in 2002. A few years later, I completed my MBA in General Management at the Metropolitan College of New York in Manhattan in 2008.

On work experience, I’ve previously worked for the NYC Department of Education’s Office of Teacher Recruitment as part of a team of people who recruited teachers for all 5 boroughs of NYC. I was there for almost a decade before leaving to focus on my business and my Queen mother assignment.

Nana Ama Kukudam
Nana Ama Kukudam I What kind of family were you born into and how was growing up like?

Nana Ama: I was born into a middle class home but my father left my mother, me and my younger sister when I was 5. At that time my mother struggled to raise us on her own. I was partially raised in the projects. But I went to the very best schools and loved very richly. Since you were not born here, how did the people of Ajumako Eshiem discover you and enthroned you as a Queen mother?

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