For some reason, I have even forgotten about Wikileaks and their release of US classified reports. In our forgotten minds, Wikileaks has hit Ghana with reports they released on 30th August, 2011 which are; US Embassy cable that says former President Jerry John Rawlings uses drugs and his finance minister at that time was alarmingly incompetent. And another report by former United States Abbassador to Ghana, Pamela Bridgewater, on the profile of NPP presidential aspirants ahead of the 2008 elections.
On J. J. Rawlings, the cable which was created on July 31, 1997 states “Ambassador Princen’s wife concluded emphatically that Rawlings is a drug-user. Periods of high-level energizing were followed by Rawlings’disappearance for thirty minutes, and upon his return he was subdued and even mellow. He perspired profusely at short notice, and consumed large quantities of non-alcoholic drinks. Princen reinforced my own impression that Rawlings’ attention span has shortened of late. But the Princens found the President open, indulgent towards his children, and extremely deferential – even obsequious – towards his spouse.”