
Motivational Message Of The Week: 80% Of Millionaires Started Like You…How Did They Make It Then?

Have you ever wondered how certain people landed in millions, living their dream lives and swimming in riches? The answer simply projects the fact that, these people are nothing special from us and majority of them were born penniless. Most of the millionaires we see around started like us. In fact, eighty percent of millionaires … Read more

Motivational Message Of The Week: The Quickest Way To Achieve Success In Life…


Probably you are convinced that achieving success has no formula or any particular pattern. This may be as a result of the inability of the numerous success achieving tricks having been able to produce anything great for you.

I can assure you that there is a formula and if strictly followed, success will come your way. However, this post does not intend to try and convince you that there is a formula for achieving success (something you probably agree or do not).

Whether there is a pattern one must follow to achieve the success he desires or not, one thing is more than certain here-Success is achievable. If success is achievable, then surely there must be a way to bring it to us quickly…right?

Instead of having to wait for years, there is a simple way to influence and speed up the arrival of your success, this is what most of us are lacking in life.

Ask yourself this simple question; why are we waiting on success and I will tell you the answer…Because we are waiting for an opportunity that will bring success out of the box, an opportunity that will land us on success, an opportunity that will open the way for us.

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Motivational Message Of The Week: This Is The Reason Why Your Success Is Taking Too Long To Show Up…


Are you not sick of waiting for the day you can excitedly jump up into the sky because the long awaited success has finally arrived? We wake up each day dived into the spirit of hope as we embark on several projects geared towards the attainment of the success we yearn.

How long are we going to be able to wait for this success to come our way? After years of working long hours, we seem to be rotating at the same spot without any forward movement.

Life is difficult and unfair but it cannot be that much of a nightmare if others around us are swimming in success. Surely, success is achievable, just that we are the ones not being able to join the achievers club.

If our success is taking this long, then something must definitely be wrong with our pursuit which we have to realize and immediately accord it the necessary correction.

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Motivational Message Of The Week: Success Easily Comes To Doing A Job You Enjoy…


Most of us are ‘self stuck’ in jobs that we hate. It is a ‘self stuck’ because our lack of willpower to take risk and our fear of failure have glued us to a job that we have no passion to do. I have heard several friends and acquaintances saying, I do not like my job and the funny bit of this is that, they are not doing anything to get out of these jobs.

Success brings joy, peace and above all self pride and fulfilment. These churn out amazing feelings that settle the soul, an ingredient for long life and better human development. The opposite of these are what come with Failure.

Apart from the usual venom of being curtailed in life when stuck in a job you hate, it also affects your personal development, happiness, hope and zeal for a better tomorrow.

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Motivational Message Of The Week: The Difference Between A Successful Person & The Others…


If Success was subjected to the mechanics of Physics, it would have been placed close to gravity or magnetic force. It has a very strong worldwide pull factor. Even though success is said to be relative, it is the ultimate dream of all, despite its relativity.

We all strive to achieve Success in whatever we do. Our daily efforts in live is considerably geared towards achieving success. The prestige attached to Success and the joy it sprinkles over our lives when achieved show how important the concept of Success is to the development of mankind.

I am sure you are aware and might be practicing one of the various tricks, doctrines and tenets supposed to help you fetch success in what you are doing. The dicey nature of success together with the various lousy teachers and materials available on achieving “Success” have impacted greatly on our inability to make a grab on Miss Success.

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