
Don’t Be Deceived By Motivational Speakers – Patoranking Advises


Award winning Nigerian musician Patoranking has joined the many who believe not all motivational messages are meant to be followed to the letter. READ ALSO: Sunday Mood: Wendy Shay Sings Powerful Gospel To Celebrate Her Many Victories – Watch Patoranking has advised his followers to take words from motivational speakers with a pinch of salt … Read more

Motivational Message Of The Week: The Worthless Excuses Won’t Get You Anywhere In Life

I have always stated that, as humans we naturally gravitate towards shortcuts and easy options.  This is why most of us have found confidence in excuses.  Though excuses are easy and sometimes feel like the best available option, they are worthless. Nothing in life gets done by given excuses. Have you ever asked yourself why … Read more

Motivational Message Of The Week: Why You Should Live With Honesty

As human beings, we are somehow ‘programmed’ to look for the easiest ways around things. Why would you waste your strength and time nailing the difficult path when you can stroll the easiest? However, there are certain times in life that the easiest path should be avoided… One of such times is when it comes … Read more

Motivational Message Of The Week: Are You Living A Meaningful Life Or Are You On Auto Pilot?

Have you ever sat down to consider what sort of life you have? There are two sets of people in this world… We have those who are in control of their lives, making decisions and planning their lives around their dreams, interest and happiness. And then we have the other set which has majority of … Read more

Motivational Message Of The Week: Do You Know You Have Endless Potential?

Are you aware that whatever you can imagine or think of, you have the potential to make it a reality? All the greatness you imagine can be achieved by you…You have the potential to steadily turn your imagination into a reality. There are several artificial glass ceilings over our head but we have the potential … Read more

Motivational Message Of The Week: Always Remind Yourself…

Things will get tough; they will make you restless and tired. But this does not mean you must cut the journey short, forgo your dreams and settle for less than you deserve. In times like this, you must remind yourself of the prize, the huge gratification that would be achieved if the path is continued. … Read more

Motivational Message Of The Week: Your Past Disappointments Are Irrelevant Today, Move Unto Greatness!

It is undoubtedly true that our today is influenced or shaped by our past including the various disappointments we faced. However, what has already happened before in your past in a form of a disappointment is not what will happen next; it will not happen today. This is simply because you have the chance, a … Read more

Motivational Message Of The Week: Your Success Dwells On Your Ability To Keep Moving…

Since the concept of success is a journey and not a destination, our ability to keep moving when things are great and also when things are bad determines our success level in life.
After putting in all your energy, if the input fetches the result you were looking for, all you have to do is smile and embrace the achievement with humility. Then keep moving on…
On the other hand, if your input fetches a disappointing result, you have to welcome the setback and failure with confidence, learn from it and then keep moving on…
Anytime you stop moving as a result of a setback or an achievement, you delay or shrink your success level…Remember the movement or journey is the success, not the destination you lodge.

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Motivational Message Of The Week: How Positivity Pays In Life

The concept of being positive and wishing for positive things is widely misunderstood. Even though positivity pays and being positive about things is recommendable, simply wishing for positive things without doing anything will not bring you anything. In fact, it may bring you negativity-disappointment.
On the other hand, spending a great number of hours worrying about what you do not want, or do not want to happen to you does not stop that thing from occurring. It is believed that, the more you spend your time and energy thinking and worrying about what you do not want, the more you give it power and increases the possibility of it occurring in your life.
As human beings, it is easily to fall into the deep pit of wishing without doing anything. Simply wishing or thinking about positivity will not bring it, however, thinking about not wanting the negativity gives it a great possibility of it happening, not fair right?

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Motivational Message Of The Week: If You Are Going Through Hell, Keep Going…

Despite how lousy the road to success is, there is something which can be acquired to help you make it there eventually.
We go through a lot in life as we journey and gear all our efforts towards attaining success. Many of what we go through can be avoided, but then the alternative route only becomes vivid after we have jumped into the fire.
All achievers have gone through Hell and many of us seeking to achieve will surely go through hell. For some reason, it seems success lives not far from hell, on a one way road from where we are placed.
My title ‘If You Are Going Through Hell, Keep Going’ may sound harsh and unpleasant but that is the only realistic way to achieving success…
Any time we are placed in a tight corner as human beings, we stretch for the nearest solution which is to give up. However, success does not come by giving up on a chase. It comes as a result of perseverance.
Success does not spring from just beginning something; continuance is necessary. No matter how big the gate is, if you knock long enough and loud enough, you are sure to wake somebody up.

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Motivational Message Of The Week: Happiness Lies At Your Feet And Not The Moon…


So many of us are robustly searching and seeking for happiness. Our daily activities, mindsets and probably our future endeavours with always be geared towards the attainment of happiness.

Our ensconced attitude of searching for happiness has not only kept us busy but has also introduced to us to a misconstruction-that happiness lies afar (on the moon) and we have to work hard, forgo a lot of things, beat and cheat others to reach it.

As genuine as the above may seem, it is in fact false. It is this misconception which has led us astray from the very point where happiness resides. How on earth will you find something when you are looking for that particular thing at the wrong place? No matter how much efforts you put into your search, it will still yield nothing. After all, you are searching for the non-existing.

Do not get me wrong. I am not by any stretch saying or suggesting that happiness does not exist. I am establishing that, it does not exist afar or on the moon as we have always thought.

It is our hope to reach the moon where we think happiness lies which has blinded us from appreciating and realizing that, like a flower, happiness dwells at our feet. We are already blessed with all it takes to be happy and that is Life. Yet we have failed to acknowledge this flower of happiness which blossoms right at our feet.

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Motivational Message Of The Week: Strength Does Not Come From Winning But From…


All successful and well doing men have something in common. Their success is grounded on strength-the foundation upon which they have built their empires and glory.

Even the great Kings and Emperors who were able to hold their Kingdoms and Empires together for substantial number of years had the all important trace of strength. Without strength, success will never be achieved.

If our success is dependent on our strength, would it therefore not be prudent that we clearly understand and acknowledge the source of our strength? After all, without it, we will never realize our desire success.

Despite the importance of strength in achieving success, the very people who are bent on obtaining success always misplace the source of strength. Most of us do not achieve the success we desire because we lack the strength needed to obtain it.

Those who are smart enough to acknowledge the role strength plays in achieving success also focus on the wrong source. Therefore, they are never able to gather the required strength needed to gravitate towards success.

The commonly existing misconception about strength is, many are of the view that our strength comes from winning. I have heard several people saying, ‘they get stronger the more they win or their strength comes from winning’. Wrong… In fact, you somehow get weaker the more you win.

The incongruent relationship between strength and winning was well noted by Mahatma Gandhi who brilliantly captured it as “Strength does not come from winning. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”

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Motivational Message Of The Week: Success ONLY Belongs To Those Who Do Something Different…

Either relative or not, success fits well and has always befriended those who stand tall among the rest. It is probably based on this idea of being outstanding that the concept of success and luck is founded. Achievers have always been those who have produced distinctive results. It is your ability to produce and engage … Read more

Motivational Message Of The Week: Success Is Not A Miracle, It Is A Result Of Your Labour


With time, I have come to realize the practical close link between success and labour. If there is any life phenomenon which perfectly projects Newton third law of motion, then it is success.

Despite how lousy and dicey ‘Success’ seems to be, its reflective relationship with labour is more realistic, intact and true than any sort of resultant relationship mankind has tried to construe between success and miracle.

You do not miraculously achieve anything you have not in one way or the other geared efforts toward. It simply does not work that way with success even if you think it does with many other things in life.

The straightforward relationship between labour and success has over the years been proven by experience and the outcome of mankind’s endeavours.

As much as you do not expect to put ‘gravels’ into a bottle and later open it to find ‘ sugar’, so should you not expect to put minimal effort into whatever you are doing and expect to achieve greatness.

Our success is simply a reflection, a throw back and above all, a reward for our labour. Your input to a larger extent determines your output. There is a strict corresponding relationship between labour and success. The reaction you receive (success) is just the result of your action (labour).

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Motivational Message Of The Week: How To Climb The Ladder Of Success


The most searched for and wanted ‘item’ by human beings is success. Our daily energy and strength is all geared towards achieving success. It will not be wrong for anyone to say, our existence as human beings to a greater extent is influenced by our desire to be successful.

Everyone is looking to grab a bit of success. There have been, there is and there will always be overwhelming demand for success. It must be noted that, the higher the demand for anything, the difficulty it is to obtain that thing. After all, we all want a bit of that particular cake.

From the above, you can see why achieving success in whatever you decide to chase becomes very difficult. Climbing the ladder of success is the most uncertain, suicidal and difficult journey to embark.

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