
NPA Head Moses Asaga Says Ghanaians Would Use Toxic Fuels Until We Can Pay More For Cleaner Energy


The head of the National Petroleum Authority, Moses Asaga, has brushed off concerns about the toxic levels of fuels imported into Ghana, saying we should pay more money if we want cleaner fuels.
A recent report released by a Swiss think tank showed that a huge volume of fuels that are deemed too toxic for Europe usually end up being transported to Africa for use.

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Moses Asaga Says Even Houston Gets Flooded | That is His Reaction to the Accra Flood

Accra Flood-Aftermath
Accra Flood-Aftermath

It’s this low level comparison that has stagnated our progress—coupled with the deceit that we are moving forward when indeed we are back-trekking.

Houston in the United States gets flooded, even Japan will get flooded if there is an earthquake followed by heavy rains. But these things will be classified as natural disasters—unexpected, and there would have been no reasonable way they could have been avoided.

However, what happened in Accra which has caused the death of over 200 innocent Ghanaians is nothing compared to the above—yearly, we get flooded and we don’t do anything about it.

In 1988, Accra flooded; it made headlines just as what happened this week is still making headlines. If Accra was flooding in 1988 and still flooding today, killing people throughout the years—and yet we’ve fail to do end it—how is that on the same pedestal as Houston flooding?

You must be drinking some dirty kool-aid mixed with sawdust to be making this sort of comparison.

Moses Asaga who is part of the incumbent government and the Chief Executive Officer of the National Petroleum Authority (NPA) had the below silly comment to throw out, in reaction to the Accra flood.

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Rastas Are Abnormal – Valley View University!

Blakk Rasta
Blakk Rasta

The fate of Rastafarians in Ghana deepened yet another mile when the administrator of Valley View University, Mr. Okyere Darko, announced on Blakk Rasta’s BOILING POT segment of the award-winning TAXI DRIVER reggae show that, Rastafarians are abnormal people and are therefore not welcomed or admitted into the university no matter how qualified they are academically.
Mr Okyere Darko was reacting to the words of the Minister of Employment, Moses Asaga, that private universities in Ghana are responsible for graduate unemployment in the country since they admit unqualified undergraduates and churn out low quality graduates.

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