Even though I’ve visited a lot of countries, the only third world country I have been to is Ghana and as such, I will rely on the accounts of several people that most of the African third world countries are in the same pot with Ghana when it comes to road development.
Over the years, a lot has changed for good in Ghana and the taste of Ghanaians have become more polished and sophisticated.
Ghanaians have a strong desire for everything foreign, even if these things do not sit well with their environment, level of development or cannot be fully enjoyed within the Ghanaian setting.
It would be impossible to control the wants of people based on the fact that the government is unable to satisfy the needed conditions which would be necessary for the people to fully enjoy their wants. But at least, common sense must come to play when you live in Ghana and you decide to spend huge sums of money on something with a range of choice such as a car…
The capital of Ghana-Accra is full of expensive and ‘soft’ cars—a clear indication that some few people are doing better. To some extent, this may be a good sign of progress, a measure which would place some Ghanaians amongst those driving some of the most expensive cars in the world.
It certainly feels good to look around Accra on a hot day and find the latest cars running around, just as you would find in London, Copenhagen or New York. The Black man has also worked hard and to be frank, he deserves to enjoy whatever his pocket can fetch him.
However, when you look at the roads that these cars are being driven on in Accra, London, Copenhagen and New York, you would realize that, the black man in Accra has not consider something important—and not just his pocket, I mean, the ROADS.
It wouldn’t be wrong or a slap in the face of the Ghanaian government to say, Ghana has the worst roads I have ever seen—and considering my introduction, this is in fact the truth. Maybe when I visit Nigeria or any other place I’ve heard has horrendous roads, I will then be able to place Ghana in a slight better position.
The capital city of Ghana is full of deep pot holes and I am not talking about the outskirts, central Accra is equally worse as the remote areas. And this is when you are on main roads which have been tarred. A little drive off the main roads and you will be met with feeder roads, as if you’ve travelled thousands of miles into a village…