
Vice President-Elect, Mike Pence Rents Swanky Five-Bedroom $6,000-A-Month DC Home While Trump Stays In Manhattan During Transition


3abc226f00000578-3970214-mike_pence_has_moved_into_a_new_home_in_washington_dc_just_six_m-a-3_1480061570396Vice president-elect of the United States of America, Mike Pence has moved into a new home in the neighbourhood of Washington DC which rents for $6,000 a month.

Pence’s new pad is a classic two-storey white home in the Chevy Chase neighbourhood, and comes complete with five bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms and a ‘contemporary Euro kitchen’, according to its online listing Mail Online reports.

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VIDEO: Full US Vice Presidential Debate – Sen Tim Kaine Vs Governor Mike Pence


Tim Kaine (l) and Mike Pence
Tim Kaine (l) and Mike Pence

After the first, blockbuster Presidential debate last week, the less interesting one occurred Tuesday night, when the VP picks for both parties lined up against it each other.
Virginia senator Tim Kaine, Democratic VP pick, faced off against Indiana governor Mike Pence, Donald Trump’s running mate, in the first VP debate of the 2016 election cycle.

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