Model, philanthropist and entrepreneur, Menaye Donkor, was this week chosen by the Chief and elders of Agona Asafo in the Central Region of Ghana as the ‘Nkosuohemaa’ or ‘Development Queen’ of the town. She will be inaugurated in to the position during the Akwanbo Festival on Saturday 8th September.
Agona Asafo is the hometown of Menaye’s father, and means a lot to Menaye. It is where she used to spend her holidays when she was a child and she still visits regularly. Menaye is the youngest Development Queenmother ever to be enstooled in the area.
Even though Menaye Donkor Muntari’s grandmother was the traditional Queen Mother of the Twidan family of the town, her installation is in recognition of her charity work in the town, especially her contribution to the education of the rural and deprived children in the region.
In 2004, when Menaye Donkor Muntari won Miss Universe Ghana 2004 Beauty Pageant she decided to use her position for good and embarked on her charity activities. She has since taken the full financial responsibility for a school in the town, which was originally established by her parents, to provide rural children the same quality education that is enjoyed by many urban children in Ghana.
The school currently provides education for hundreds of children in the region at absolutely no cost to their parents or families. The Menaye Charity Organisation is solely responsible for the running costs of the school including building maintenance, the teachers, school uniforms, books, and stationary. Menaye’s charity also recently installed an IT suite at the school.
As the new face of Printex, Menaye continues to support the school, with 100% of her earnings from Printex going towards its upkeep, and through which she intends to purchase a school bus to provide free transportation for the children, some of whom have to walk many miles on their round trip.
PHOTOS OF THE DAY: Menaye Donkor & Sulley Muntari Spotted in Milan
Ghanaian footballer-Sulley Muntari and his wife, Menaye Donkor were spotted on the streets of Milan, Italy. Menaye was in ‘boyfriend’ jacket and nerdy glasses and Sulley was his casual self… The celebrity couple seem to be having fun out there in Milan…