
N*dity on Display: Married Women Throwing Decency to the Dogs For Fear Of Losing Their Husbands!

black woman


N*dity is what the doctor ordered….for a single lady who has bought into the silly idea that men like the bad girls. We’ve thrown decency to the dogs because according to someone, men don’t have the patience to know women well before – so you show them what you have before they even ‘strip you naked’. Most girls nowadays go around almost naked all in the name of fashion and it’s more disheartening when one finds mothers with the sacred parts of their bodies exposed, all in the name of fashion.

Even in church, you’re bound to feed your eyes with girls who display sensual n*dity as if they’re trying to outdo each other – on the runway – in the house of God, which is supposedly a sacred place. Unfortunately, married women have joined the foray by dressing scantily because they ‘don’t want to risk losing their better half to scantily dressed girls/women’.

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