Perhaps we should pay a little more attention to the famous British adage; if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.
Though a lot of my friends fail to catch the spirit of my argument, I’ve always said that, marriage does not in anyway guarantee a relationship–and if anything at all, it seems to put unncessary pressure on couples which sometimes lead to an early break-up.
All around the world, marriage has become more of a fantasy and also a convention expected of couples.
It’s the “new cool” to get married and if you’ve been with your partner for many years, it does not matter. You would still have to “seal” the fate of your relationship with marriage. People wouldn’t stop asking you about when the marriage is happening and society itself wouldn’t so much appreciate your union without the marriage seal.
I know of several couples who have been together for over two decades and they are not married. And I know of those who get married and within a year, the divorce lawyers become their friends.