How many of us out there have a very close friend who happens to be of the opposite sex?
How many of us out there know that said friendships are genuinely platonic? How many of us are then faced with the constant barrage of teasing, sexual innuendoes and rife speculation when it comes to these GENUINE FRIENDSHIPS with members of the opposite sex?
I can definitely answer yes to all of the above. I’m one of those females who prefers the company of males (and no not because I fancy them, or I’m a slut, or any of the other ridiculous allegations I have had to face before)- I prefer to socialise with males because I find them more ‘drama-free’.
Now I’m not inferring that there aren’t men out there whose drama queen antics could give Kurt from ‘Glee’ a run for his money- I’m just saying I believe (from my own personal experiences), that there is a higher percentage of drama, gossip and just hassle that comes from socialising with females, as opposed to that of males. Hence why most of my friends are males.