As humans, we are very loyal to our habits and sometimes people – even the ones that bring us pain and keep us in uncomfortable zone but because we’re used to the experience, thrill, the good moments we have with them, we hang on to the illusions and sabotage our chance to change and bloom. We eventually become unaware when our habits (and people) keep us in a state of unfulfillment, anxiety, sadness, or resentment.
A person who is more focused on promotion is often very positive about change and adopts new ideas quickly whereas someone who is more focused on prevention is happier not changing. This depends on the circumstances we find ourselves in. If they are really bad, we all want. If they are really good, no one wants change. It’s when things are neither really good nor bad that the differences between people are apparent. Unfortunately, we love the idea of change but not taking the needed steps to change – we slip into the ‘let’s maintain the status quo’ anthem because if it’s not broken…don’t repair!