
Lindsay Lohan Loses Half Of Ring Finger In Grisly Boating Accident


57f2507a170000e00aac8f8a_optThe Mean Girls star makes headline once again but this time not at the back of her princessy tantrums but on a rather sad note. Sharing with her fans , she tells how she lost half of her ring finger.
According to the 30-year-old’s Snapchat, the injury occurred during an incident with the boat’s anchor. Luckily, the severed part of her finger was recovered by friends and later reattached, according to TMZ.

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"I Feared That Egor May Splash Acid In My Face" – Lindsay Lohan


Lindsay Lohan and Egor Tarabasov
Lindsay Lohan and Egor Tarabasov

These celebrities keep dragging us into their dramatic tiffs— Lindsay Lohan is in another of her worlds of casting blames and practically seeing all that is not even there to see in the first. If you ask me, I think this lady who seemed to have one promising future is just paranoid. She keeps saying and doing things that does not make sense.
In her latest, the 30 year old actress claims his ex boyfriend, Egor just might shower her with acid since he had broken into her home after their break to strangle her before.

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Lindsay Lohan Confirms She Is Single And Wants Apology From Former Fiancé Egor Tarabasov


Lindsay Lohan and Egor Tarabasov
Lindsay Lohan and Egor Tarabasov

Lindsay is clearing romance rumour— after the troubled star was spotted out and about with Dennis Papageorgiou, people began to wonder if she was already moving on from Egor Tarabasov with a new man.
However, the 30-year-old took to Instagram on Wednesday to confirm that she’s NOT dating the bar and restaurant owner, or anyone, for that matter.

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Check Out Lindsay Lohan's Preposterous Demand List For An Interview On A Russian Tv Station


l_optThis child star actress must either be on some cheap drugs or one of her sanity cords has worn off. How can one absurdly demand for such vain materials just for an hour or less appearance on a television show. I mean legendary Icons like the Late Jackson will not even share in such stupidity.
Lindsay Lohan is demanding a huge ransom to appear for an interview on Ruski TV. According to reports from TMZ, the former actress was offered to appear on the most popular talk show in Russia “Pust govoryat.”, where the host intends to interview her about her relationship and breakup with ex-fiancé Egor Tarabasov.

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