
KKD’s BAIL Request At Human Rights Court Adjourned to January 13


KKD’s legal counsel walked into an Accra Human Rights court this morning in an attempt to secure a bail just before his tomorrow appearance in Court over the alleged rape charges, but the Human Rights court has adjourned the bail hearing to January 13 on the grounds that the prosecution was only served yesterday-January 6.

Apparently KKD himself is currently at the Police Hospital and was missing in court, checking his legs—it seems we may be looking at another attempt to secure a bail on help grounds should the human rights application fail.

KKD has been locked up at a police cell since 27th December, 2014; following a complaint that was filed at the Airport Police station by a certain 19 year old girl who alleged the radio personality raped her.

Kwesi Kyei Darkwah has come out to confirm he had se*ual intercourse with this girl in the bathroom of his hotel few hours after meeting her at a fashion event—but he insists the ‘seks’ was cosnensual.

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Has KKD Gotten a Dysfunctional Obsession for Young Girls With Height? | Another Girl Shares Her Encounter With KKD & Says ‘It Could Have Been Her’

Dela Goldheart

A young girl by name Dela Goldheart on facebook has shared her encounter with KKD–suggesting that, she can identify with the 19 year old girl KKD is accused of raping.

According this girl, KKD seems to have some weird fetish with young girls with height and when she met KKD some time back under KKD’s request, his first question went straight to her height.

She seems to suggest in her write up that, she was a little more smart with her choices which probably saved her from ‘rape’ or any sexual assault from KKD.

Read her full message below….

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