
Money Doesn’t Make You Happy, It Only Creates More Problems — Life Coach Michelle McKinney Hammond


Author, tv show host and singer Michelle McKinney Hammond dropped a bombshell on Joselyn Dumas’s talk show ‘Keeping it Real’ with her revelation that attaining wealth does not make you happy, in fact it does the exact opposite.

The search for money is the driving principle behind most people’s hustle in this world yet according to the successful and wealthy author, attaining wealth is not going to bring the happiness most people imagine it does.

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My Dad Kicked Me Out Of His House Because I Divorced The Husband He Chose For Me — Make-up Stylist Lawrencia Owusu


Arranged marriages might seem like a relic of the ‘old days’ yet it happened in the life of Lawrencia Owusu, and came with some drastic consequences.

The celebrity make-up stylist has revealed a painful story from her past which scarred her for life and made her into who she is today.

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People Judge Me Because I Kiss In Movies — Joselyn Dumas


It’s a necessary part of the trade that actors and actresses have to get intimate with their colleagues in certain settings, depending on how the script to the movie they are in is written.
Actress Joselyn Dumas has revealed that even though such scenes are only acted, some people believe them to be real and judge her as a promiscuous lady just because she kisses in movies.

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Capitalism Has Been Merged With Religion In Ghana Causing Ordinary People To Suffer – Akosua Hanson Keeps It Real


An explosive episode of Joselyn Dumas’ latest reality show ‘Keeping It Real’ aired on Saturday (December 2nd) with the discussion centred on religion, spirituality and the unfortunate commercialization of both in Ghana.

The actress/tv personality moderated the discussion between the staunchly religious gospel singer Lady Prempeh and the fiercely anti-organized religion but pro spirituality Akosua Hanson.

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