For the last few years, Kanye West has been parading himself as a deluded son of a B—but it seems he really thinks he is the MESSIAH and people must do as he wants.
On Friday in Sydney, Australia, during one of his many concerts where he basically rants, the over hyped-rapper married to that good for nothing reality TV star-Kim Kardashian stopped his performance, to force a kid in a wheelchair to get up and stand for him. In his mind, the MESSIAH had landed and everyone ought to be on their feet as a sign of respect.
Hitting on his rap verse; “They tryna put me on the schoolbus with the space for the wheelchair”, Kanye immediately stopped….And then he is reported to have said “I can’t do this song. I can’t do this show until everybody stand up… Unless you got a handicap pass and you get special parking and shit. ‘Imma see you if you ain’t standing up, believe me, I’m very good at that.”
His little preaching got most of his fans up on their feet, but Kanye West was not satisfied having spotted a pair of concertgoers seated—therefore, he refused to continue the show until they stood up and danced like the rest of the fans.
One of the seated people whose action had put the concert on a hold raised a prosthetic limb, thereby proving that she can’t be on her feet for the deluded MESSIAH. On seeing that Kanye said, “Okay, you fine.”
That was not the end of Kanye West and his BS as the rapper pointed to another fan who was seated when he was performing his song “The Good Life”. He shouted, “This is the longest I’ve had to wait to do a song, it’s unbelievable.” He wanted that particular fan to stand up too—as if after buying a ticket to a concert, it is mandatory to stand up to jam to the songs….